Portfolio Categories Art
Conceptual artist. Passionate about science, art and nature - using my voice against #climatechange. My Bee Works raise awareness of global bee decline.
sarah hatton, artist, canadian art, bees, dead bees, bee works, colony collapse disorder, CCD, painting, painter, art, bee art, canada, ottawa, chelsea, quebec, coral, coral reefs, tipping point, climate change


This piece represents Common Brain Coral – Diploria strigosa   The 2019 “IPCC report on Global Warming of 1.5 ºC” provides terrifying scientific evidence that the world’s coral reefs simply cannot survive an ocean temperature rise of even 1.5 degrees. Half of the Great Barrier Reef has



This piece represents Staghorn Coral – Acropora cervicornis   These plastic mannequin hands are a symbol of the waste that is generated by rampant consumerism, and their arrangement here creates a moment of collective, submerged panic. Struggling against rising ocean levels, it becomes clear that nothing we


This piece represents Great Star Coral – Montastraea cavernosa   Every year, 8 million metric tons of plastics enter our ocean. Single-use plastic nanoparticles are systematically poisoning coral polyps. Waste plastic clings to coral and tears its membranes, introducing bacteria and pathogens that swiftly devastates the colony.


This piece represents Common Brain Coral – Diploria strigosa   The 2019 “IPCC report on Global Warming of 1.5 ºC” provides terrifying scientific evidence that the world’s coral reefs simply cannot survive an ocean temperature rise of even 1.5 degrees. Half of the Great Barrier Reef has


A surreal manifestation of the current reality of species displacement due to habitat loss and changing climate conditions.Freshwater pearl mussels (Margaritifera margaritifera) clustered upon a tree trunk in the same manner that monarch butterflies roost at the end of their continental migration.The transition from the


Sequoia needles, resin on panel, 2019. (16" x 16") This piece is a battle cry for those who have suffered losses due to climate change. In an nod to the traditionally feminine practice of commemorating a loss through needlework, this modified snowflake has been ‘cross-stitched’ in the


Kill Chain

Kill Chain (Bee Works) Bee Works is a critically-acclaimed series of mixed-media pieces that raise awareness of honeybee colony collapse and pollinator decline by arranging thousands of dead bees in symbolic patterns. My purpose in creating these artworks is to call for much-needed changes to the



The Somme. (Detachment series) Brass fasteners, acrylic, wire on canvas tarpaulin, 2016. (120” x 120”) These charts show how the stars would have appeared on the final day of several major battles of the First World War, based upon their respective dates and geographic location. The stars are physically



Passchendaele. (Detachment series) Brass fasteners, acrylic, wire on canvas tarpaulin, 2016. (120” x 120”) These charts show how the stars would have appeared on the final day of several major battles of the First World War, based upon their respective dates and geographic location. The stars are physically marked


YPRES, 1918

Ypres, 1918. (Detachment series) Brass fasteners, acrylic, wire on canvas tarpaulin, 2016. (120” x 120”) These charts show how the stars would have appeared on the final day of several major battles of the First World War, based upon their respective dates and geographic location. The stars are physically