Canadian artist Sarah Hatton uses the bodies of thousands of dead bees to create symbolic patterns that bring awareness to colony collapse disorder
Sarah Hatton, artist, painting, bee art, honeybees, canadian artist, canadian art, Ottawa, Canada, bees, Bee Works, Colony Collapse Disorder, dead bees, fibonacci, art, bee artist, savethebees, Galerie St-Laurent + Hill, Gallery

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The link between neonicotinoid pesticides and the worldwide decline of bee populations is a crisis that cannot be ignored.


I have arranged thousands of dead honeybees in mathematical patterns symbolically linked to monoculture crops, such as the Fibonacci spiral found in the seed head of the sunflower.


The viewer experiences the vertigo of this lifeless swarm, a dizzying optical illusion that echoes the bees’ loss of ability to navigate due to the toxins locked within the very source of their sustenance.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/3"][vc_column_text]

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